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Messages postés par grover

  1. en fait j'ai mis OS commerce mais il me faut un script ou lorsque la personne a payé sa lui donne un lien pour téléchargé le scripts !

    il te faut le script de, creloaded est une extension d'oscommerce (plusieurs contributions déja intégrées)

    le script standard est gratuit.


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    mais pour revenir sur le topic.

    j'ai une fichier texte qui decrit comment personaliser l'oscommerce

    mais le texte est en anglais. en tout cas ceci est une aide pour commencer a changer le layout de l'osCommerce

    Personalizing osCommerce

    osCommerce is a great open source application for building your online store. While it looks great out of the box, you'll probably want to change it so that it reflects your store's personality, so customers will remember it and keep coming back. Dan Wellman explains how to add your logo, colors, products, and make the most of one of the application's more versatile features.
    osCommerce is an extremely flexible and powerful plug-in shopping cart, catalog, and administration machine all rolled into one. It is open source--and therefore is available for private or commercial use free of charge under the GNU Public Licence, is widely used and supported, and is part of an extremely large online community. It consists of a catalogue front-end, which can be used in conjunction with your existing site, or as a stand-alone site in its own right; and an extremely easy to use administrative back-end interface.

    It is available right now for download from as a .zip package weighing in at just under 1.5Mb. Also featured on the site is the showcase section with links leading to sites implementing osCommerce, and the community services mini-site containing the forums and documentation.

    The application is PHP based and connects to an SQL database, so your hosting vendor must provide compatible services. It also contains a little JavaScript and a lot of HTML, and is available for either Windows or Linux platforms.

    There is no doubt that osCommerce is an excellent solution for anyone looking to implement an online store with the minimum of expense and hassle; it is ready to go almost immediately after installation. All you need to do is add your products using the back-end administration tool, and add some of your store's personal information (such its business address, policies and delivery details). If you’re happy with the layout and color scheme, that’s almost it. Go live, make money.

    But what if you’re not happy with how it looks? Or want to add or remove certain features? The community services are there of course, but why read through countless online documents, or start a thread in the forum and hope that someone replies? This article will outline some of the basic changes that need to be made in order to customize the catalogue and shopping cart.

    Personalizing osCommerce - What to know before you make changes

    Figuring out exactly which files play which part in the overall scheme of how the application works can take some time, especially if you’re new to PHP. Once you’ve installed it and taken a look in the file manager through the admin tool, you’ll appreciate what I mean. It’s made up of a multitude of files, modules and functions integrated seamlessly to form the catalog. Every file includes (as in server-side includes) at least five other files, and keeping track of what changes need to be made where can be a little complicated.

    Before making any changes to the code behind the application, there are a couple of things of which you need to be aware. First, although the admin tool does contain the facility to edit live files using the file manager function, I would strongly recommend not doing this--for some reason, it seriously messes with the site. Any file to be edited should be downloaded and edited locally.

    Second, the facility to upload files should be restricted to graphics files. Any code files need to be uploaded using an FTP client. Code files uploaded using the admin tool are given a permission of 777 (full read, write and execute), which will kill your site instantly and generate error 500 pages. The FTP client you use needs to have the CHMOD function, which not all FTP programs have (Cute FTP Pro does). Upload the code using your FTP software, then right-click the file you’ve uploaded and select CHMOD. In the CHMOD window, change the file permissions to 644 (owner read and write, visitor read-only).

    Personalizing osCommerce - Logo and colors

    Now, first of all, you’ll probably want to remove the osCommerce logo from the top of the page and replace it with your own. This is easy enough and can be done manually by editing the header.php file in the catalog/includes directory. Open the file in any text editor (Notepad will do) and scroll down past the osCommerce declaration at the top, and all of the IF statements. In the first of the nested tables, there is a reference to the current logo:

    tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.gif', 'osCommerce')

    Simply change the GIF name to that of your own logo (having first uploaded your image to the images directory of course) and amend the alt text (the text in single quotes). All done. There should be another osCommerce logo at the bottom of the page. Since you’re using open source software, completely free of charge and restriction, you really should keep this in place. Other banners can be added using the banner manager in the admin tool, which is also where the osCommerce one can be removed if you really can’t bear the sight of it.

    Next, we deal with the colors. If your business already exists in the real world, you probably already have a color scheme. If you’re purely an e-shop, for the sake of individuality, you’ll still want to use your own brand of colors. Whichever scenario you fit into, color changes to the site in general are made solely in the stylesheet file which resides in the catalog folder. Download the file and open it in any text editor locally. Graphics, such as buttons and rounded table edges, will need to either be replaced or edited to fit in with your branding.

    I won’t go through every selector and class in this file. A lot of them can be left as they are; the error message colors should be left the same for example, and to even be using an advanced application such as this in the first place I’d expect you to have a basic grasp of CSS. In order to change the look of the boxes that are set at the left and right edges of the page, look for the infoBox entries, of which there are four, and make any necessary changes. Other classes you will want to adjust, in order of appearance are; TR.headerNavigation, TD.headerNavigation, TR.footer, TD.footer, .productListingHeader, TD.productListing-data, TD.pageHeading, DIV.pageHeading, and TD.fieldValue. This should ensure that all objects on the page adhere to your colour scheme. Again, upload the new file to the catalog folder using your own FTP client and set the file permissions to 644.

    Personalizing osCommerce - Site content
    (Page 4 of 6 )

    As for your site's content, some of the information is added to your site using the admin tool (your products and their attributes for example), and some of the information is defined using PHP and environment variables. Some of the content is even hard-coded into the pages directly (although this is rarely the case!)

    To edit the information that is defined in included files, you need to find the file that contains the define statement, not the file that contains the include statement. To change the Shipping & Returns information for example, you need to replace the file called shipping.php that is contained in the following directory:


    You simply add your own text and any mark-up required between the single quotes in the following statement:

    define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '';

    This will add your information using an include statement to the file also called shipping.php which is found in:


    Most files in the catalog directory have a matching file in the English, Spanish and German directories which will contain the actual content of your pages. These are the files that need to be updated to change the default text.

    Personalizing osCommerce - InfoBoxes, step one
    (Page 5 of 6 )

    The infoBoxes are a versatile and dynamic feature of the catalog. Different pages or actions will cause different boxes to be displayed, and one of the things you may want to do is create your own infoBox. This is a three-part process. It starts with the file that actually creates the infoBox. For this example, I’ll show you how to make a box called links.php, containing links taken from other areas of the site.

    You may be used to using notepad to create HTML and script files. For working in PHP, you may find that one of the many specialist code editors that are available will help make your life easier. I like to use the excellent Xint text editor: it’s free, it has line numbers (useful for debugging) and it features color coding (which helps you sort your HTML from your PHP and your If statements from your XML). It has a whole bunch of other features too, but these are the main benefits.

    Whichever text editor you use, open it now and add the PHP declaration and an ID and date comment:

    $Id: links.php,v 1.01 2004/06/28 01:13:58 hpdl Exp $

    osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

    Released under the GNU General Public License

    To keep with the consistency of the pre-defined boxes, the above statement should be kept intact, and comments used to mark the beginning and end of the box:

    <!-- links //-->

    In order to give the box an appropriately colored heading bar, you’ll need to embed your box in a table and include the following array:

    $link_box_contents = array();
    $link_box_contents[ ] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_LINKS);

    The box heading is defined in another file, which is explained in full in step two. For the actual links, add the following code:

    $link_box_contents = array();
    $link_box_contents[ ]= array('text' =>
    '<a href=" ' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' .
    BOX_LINKS_CREATE_ACCOUNT . '</a><br>' .
    '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL') . '">' .
    BOX_LINKS_LOGIN . '</a><br>' .
    '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">'.
    BOX_LINKS_MY_ACCOUNT . '</a><br>' .
    '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '">' .
    BOX_LINKS_CART_CONTENTS . '</a><br>' .
    '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' .
    BOX_LINKS_CHECKOUT . '</a>');
    new linkBox($link_box_contents);}

    The names of your links can be changed of course, but essentially, once you have finished the code:

    <!-- links_eof //-->

    then saved the file as links.php, step one is pretty much complete. Upload the file in the normal way to the includes folder.

    Personalizing osCommerce - InfoBoxes, steps two and three
    (Page 6 of 6 )

    Next, you need to define the links you have just created. Provided your site is produced in English, you’ll need to browse to the following directory:


    and download the English.php file.

    Open the file and add the following code pretty much anywhere:

    // links box heading
    define('BOX_HEADING_LINKS', 'Links');

    That will give your box its heading. Now define the links themselves:

    // Links box text
    define('BOX_LINKS_CREATE_ACCOUNT', 'Create An Account');
    define('BOX_LINKS_LOGIN', 'Login');
    define('BOX_LINKS_LOGOFF', 'Logoff');
    define('BOX_LINKS_MY_ACCOUNT', 'My Account');
    define('BOX_LINKS_CART_CONTENTS', 'Cart Contents');
    define('BOX_LINKS_CHECKOUT', 'Checkout');
    define('BOX_LINKS_NEW_LINK', 'New link');

    The text inside the single quotes is the text that is displayed in the box as the link, and the text in capitals is the action that occurs when the link is clicked. In order for this to work, you will need to associate the actions with a PHP file, this is done using the filenames.php file that is held in the following location:


    To associate an action with a page, simply add a line of code like this almost anywhere in the file:

    define('FILENAME_NEW_LINK', new_link.php');

    Save and upload the files to their original locations, and proceed directly to step three, inserting the box on a page. You’ll need to download and edit either the column_left.php or column_right.php file, depending on which side of the page you want the box to appear. Both of these files appear in the includes directory also. Open whichever is applicable and simply add the following statement:

    require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'links.php');

    Save and upload the file, then open the catalog in your browser. Your box should be there in all its beautiful glory!

    There are many more minor tweaks that can give your online store its individual personality, and the addition of a huge bank of downloadable modules and code to the community services can take things even further. I hope that I’ve given you enough information to get yourself going, and enough inspiration to use the application in the first place.

    DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this article is not warrantied or guaranteed by Developer Shed, Inc. The content provided is intended for entertainment and/or educational purposes in order to introduce to the reader key ideas, concepts, and/or product reviews. As such it is incumbent upon the reader to employ real-world tactics for security and implementation best practices. We are not liable for any negative consequences that may result by implementing any information covered in our articles or tutorials. If this is a hardware review, it is not recommended to open and/or modify your hardware.

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