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Devenir registar?


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Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai plus rien posté (mais je lis assez souvent).

J'aimerai savoir quelle démarche je dois entreprendre pour vendre des noms de domains.

- .com, .net, .org dans un premier temps

- .fr .be .re dans un second

- ...

J'aimerai aussi savoir s'il existe de la documentation sur la mise en place d'un tel system? Faut il de bonne machine? Etc...

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

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Notamment :

Becoming an ICANN-Accredited Registrar

If you are interested in becoming an ICANN-accredited registrar, please review the following links for detailed information on the process, documents, qualifications, and financial considerations involved:

- The Process

- Documents You Must Submit or Review

- Financial Considerations for All Registrar Applicants

- Help for Completing ICANN Registrar Accreditation Application

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Faut bien calculer son coût/coup ;) :

Registrar Accreditation: Financial Considerations

Before you undertake the registrar accreditation process, please read and consider the following costs to you. This is not an exhaustive list of all costs involved in becoming an accredited registrar, but is meant only as a helpful listing of some costs registrar applicants should be prepared to pay in connection with becoming an ICANN accredited registrar.


US$2,500 non-refundable application fee, to be submitted with application.

US$4,000 yearly accreditation fee.

Variable fee (quarterly) paid once you begin registering domain names. This fee represents a portion of ICANN's operating costs.

Transaction-based gTLD fee (quarterly). This fee is a flat fee (currently $0.25) charged for each new registration, renewal or transfer. This fee can be billed by the registrar separately on its invoice to the registrant.

Please refer to the ICANN Budget for additional details about invoicing, including options for relief and fee caps.

You must have:

US$70,000 in working capital requirement. THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE PAID TO ICANN; ICANN requires only that you demonstrate (by submitting an independently verified financial statement) that you have at least this much liquid capital (cash or credit) before your ICANN accreditation becomes effective.

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