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Demarrer Qmail serveur


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Je souhaiterais démarrer le serveur Qmail :


Mais lorsque jexécute sous putty la commande :

/etc/init.d/qmail start

Celui ci me répond :

* WARNING: "qmail" has already been started.

Voilà le contenu de home/log/qmail/current.txt :

@400000004cc973b02cf7507c status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02d133cec new msg 338784

_AT_400000004cc973b02d193444 info msg 338784: bytes 801 from <> qp 12725 uid 0

_AT_400000004cc973b02d5143d4 starting delivery 1: msg 338784 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b02d53a534 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02d6fc46c new msg 338776

_AT_400000004cc973b02d758514 info msg 338776: bytes 800 from <> qp 18194 uid 0

_AT_400000004cc973b02d988dd4 starting delivery 2: msg 338776 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b02d9c27b4 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02daa8f34 new msg 336884

_AT_400000004cc973b02daf4e0c info msg 336884: bytes 649 from <> qp 28923 uid 0

_AT_400000004cc973b02ddb47dc new msg 338796

_AT_400000004cc973b02de13f34 info msg 338796: bytes 650 from <> qp 26310 uid 0

_AT_400000004cc973b02e00cd54 starting delivery 3: msg 336884 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b02e0322fc status: local 0/10 remote 3/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02e174f0c new msg 338782

_AT_400000004cc973b02e3e95bc info msg 338782: bytes 801 from <> qp 17189 uid 0

_AT_400000004cc973b02e6a510c starting delivery 4: msg 338796 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b02e6cae84 status: local 0/10 remote 4/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02e70c564 starting delivery 5: msg 338782 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b02e72e074 status: local 0/10 remote 5/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02fb0cf14 delivery 1: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b02fc2110c status: local 0/10 remote 4/20

_AT_400000004cc973b02fc51294 delivery 2: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b02fc9352c status: local 0/10 remote 3/20

_AT_400000004cc973b030992f5c bounce msg 338784 qp 10347

_AT_400000004cc973b0309d0f8c end msg 338784

_AT_400000004cc973b0309e674c delivery 3: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b030a2a924 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

_AT_400000004cc973b030a56c2c delivery 4: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b030a93104 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b030abec3c delivery 5: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b030af91d4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b0312dbab4 bounce msg 338776 qp 10348

_AT_400000004cc973b03131122c end msg 338776

_AT_400000004cc973b031c23a54 bounce msg 338782 qp 10349

_AT_400000004cc973b031c5e3d4 end msg 338782

_AT_400000004cc973b031d0e054 new msg 585312

_AT_400000004cc973b031d30334 info msg 585312: bytes 1426 from <> qp 10347 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b031f6d714 starting delivery 6: msg 585312 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b031f930a4 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b0328710f4 bounce msg 338796 qp 10352

_AT_400000004cc973b0328ab2a4 end msg 338796

_AT_400000004cc973b032f77e34 bounce msg 336884 qp 10353

_AT_400000004cc973b0330a1fbc end msg 336884

_AT_400000004cc973b0332982e4 new msg 585349

_AT_400000004cc973b0332bb564 info msg 585349: bytes 1425 from <> qp 10348 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b03358a164 starting delivery 7: msg 585349 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b0335afaf4 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

_AT_400000004cc973b03368648c new msg 585405

_AT_400000004cc973b033686c5c info msg 585405: bytes 1275 from <> qp 10352 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b0338ab5b4 new msg 585310

_AT_400000004cc973b0338abd84 info msg 585310: bytes 1426 from <> qp 10349 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b033a7424c starting delivery 8: msg 585405 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b033a99024 status: local 0/10 remote 3/20

_AT_400000004cc973b033b52ccc delivery 6: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b033b5349c status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

_AT_400000004cc973b033b53884 new msg 585344

_AT_400000004cc973b033b53c6c info msg 585344: bytes 1274 from <> qp 10353 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b034909c94 bounce msg 585312 qp 10358

_AT_400000004cc973b0349455b4 end msg 585312

_AT_400000004cc973b034964d9c delivery 7: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b0349aaacc status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b0349e4894 starting delivery 9: msg 585310 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b034a03c94 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

_AT_400000004cc973b0350c9ac4 bounce msg 585349 qp 10360

_AT_400000004cc973b035105f9c end msg 585349

_AT_400000004cc973b0351c61d4 delivery 8: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b0351c6d8c status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b0374a905c bounce msg 585405 qp 10364

_AT_400000004cc973b0374e35f4 end msg 585405

_AT_400000004cc973b0374f7644 delivery 9: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b0375398dc status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b03756f43c starting delivery 10: msg 585344 to remote

_AT_400000004cc973b03758e454 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b038112c1c bounce msg 585310 qp 10367

_AT_400000004cc973b03814d1b4 end msg 585310

_AT_400000004cc973b03819abe4 new msg 585312

_AT_400000004cc973b0381bd694 info msg 585312: bytes 1943 from <#@[]> qp 10360 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b038402b5c starting delivery 11: msg 585312 to local

_AT_400000004cc973b038427d1c status: local 1/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b038559f8c new msg 585345

_AT_400000004cc973b03855a75c info msg 585345: bytes 1944 from <#@[]> qp 10358 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b0387909f4 starting delivery 12: msg 585345 to local

_AT_400000004cc973b0387911c4 status: local 2/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b03887002c new msg 585311

_AT_400000004cc973b0388707fc info msg 585311: bytes 1793 from <#@[]> qp 10364 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b038a2f854 starting delivery 13: msg 585311 to local

_AT_400000004cc973b038a54a14 status: local 3/10 remote 1/20

_AT_400000004cc973b038b18eb4 new msg 585349

_AT_400000004cc973b038b3b194 info msg 585349: bytes 1944 from <#@[]> qp 10367 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b0395953ec delivery 10: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'

_AT_400000004cc973b0395e264c status: local 3/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b03961cbe4 starting delivery 14: msg 585349 to local

_AT_400000004cc973b03963c3cc status: local 4/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b108cf6cac bounce msg 585344 qp 10379

_AT_400000004cc973b108d38b5c end msg 585344

_AT_400000004cc973b10d78a584 new msg 585616

_AT_400000004cc973b10d78a96c info msg 585616: bytes 1792 from <#@[]> qp 10379 uid 507

_AT_400000004cc973b10dbfc48c starting delivery 15: msg 585616 to local

_AT_400000004cc973b10dc22204 status: local 5/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10dc85fac delivery 11: success: did_0+0+1/

_AT_400000004cc973b10dcc5b34 status: local 4/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10dcf1a54 delivery 13: success: did_0+0+1/

_AT_400000004cc973b10dd1b264 status: local 3/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10dd4468c delivery 12: success: did_0+0+1/

_AT_400000004cc973b10dd6cefc status: local 2/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10dd96af4 delivery 14: success: did_0+0+1/

_AT_400000004cc973b10ddbdbf4 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10ddf912c end msg 585312

_AT_400000004cc973b10de48a9c end msg 585349

_AT_400000004cc973b10de9264c end msg 585345

_AT_400000004cc973b10ded25bc end msg 585311

_AT_400000004cc973b10ebeb244 delivery 15: success: did_0+0+1/

_AT_400000004cc973b10ec4058c status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

_AT_400000004cc973b10ec40d5c end msg 585616

_AT_400000004cc973b203591bec status: exiting

_AT_400000004cc97470362993e4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

Je pense que le problème vient de

failure: Sorry,_I_couldn'


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Il faut d'abord le stopper avec

/etc/init.d/qmail stop

si tu veux le démarrer.

Tu peux aussi lancer

/etc/init.d/qmail restart

qui le stoppera pour toi avant de le relancer.

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Il faut d'abord le stopper avec

/etc/init.d/qmail stop

si tu veux le démarrer.

Tu peux aussi lancer

/etc/init.d/qmail restart

qui le stoppera pour toi avant de le relancer.


Lorsque j'éxécute la commande :

/etc/init.d/qmail stop

Stopping Qmail ...
qmail-send: aucun processus tué
tcpserver: aucun processus tué [ !! ]

J'obtiens la même réponse avec /etc/init.d/qmail restart


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